The few most important things in the pile of things going on the bike would be shelter, warmth, and navigation. I could make due with about half as much "stuff" but why bother when I have the space? I did not take a photo of the gear I am wearing for the duration but it is well rounded all season gear. The ride this time around will be anywhere from high 30s up to low nineties or high eighties. As this is the first trip since 2012 for camping off the bike, I am very excited!!
All of my gear is split between two side bags, rear trunk, tank bag, and I wear a backpack with a Camelbak for hydration (only when it is <90 a="" adequate="" air="" and="" are="" asprin="" avoid="" by="" campsite="" chap="" else="" few="" flow="" ground="" hammock="" has="" having="" hot="" i="" if="" is="" it="" jacket="" leatherman="" limited="" love="" me="" my="" not="" on="" or="" p="" park.="" prohibited="" sleeping="" small="" stick="" that="" the="" things="" to="" too="" trees="" way="" with="">
It is off to the Circuit of Americas and a trip to the grandparents next week!90>
We are planning on attending the race on both Saturday and Sunday but getting just the general admission tickets. We found last year that although fun, and shaded, the seats were about twice the cost and that you could go and enjoy the race for less if you wanted to. I loved our seats but in order to attend multiple this year, corners need to be cut.
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