Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June CII Dinner Ride

These are some snap shots, from my go pro, on last nights dinner ride. Nothing spectacular just five guys taking a nice ride out to Lawrence Kansas. We ate at Bob's Smokehouse and it was very good. I had the pulled pork wheel sandwich and onion rings. I recommend both. I will say that All Slabbed Up in Leavenworth, KS is much better but Bob's was still good. It was a great day for riding even with the wind and the heat. Next month the plan is to go up to Atchison and eat up there.

 As you can see above, there are a variety of bikes in our little group. Although riding styles vary a bit between each of us we ride pretty well as a group, there is complaining about certain people's style but we seem to still ride pretty well. If you look close at my GSXR front tire you will notice ...some issues. This was the last ride for that particular piece of rubber. I plan on throwing a new one on when I return from my upcoming cross country trip. I am hoping that I can install it myself this time around and save some money.



  1. Nice pics, thanks for posting. U need a tire & I need some handle bars...I wish the bike shop offered frequent buyer discounts.
